Friday, June 1, 2007

Deep in my system!!

Today of all days...i am transported back in be held for trial against myself and i stand in no guilt for all that is buried under the black mask of being human :
The sleep is nice;Heavy n sweet.
But forget not the night!!
Long n far from by-gone.
Its hostile unfriendly and fair

Fair is the system within
The darkness of the soul.
How shall one escape,the sins;
Committed in blissful sleep?

The morning comes
The light falls on u..
Try ur best to hide,hide behind;
Wat u call being" just human"

A hungry slumber of wats right
When desire deciet n greed play
Sordid pranks outright.
I slept n slept too long.

Plunge the vexations
Into that dark pit in my soul
Lets play the games people play
Life is of the winner.

I am a winner allright
But life is such...if i may chose
To call it so!!I walk ahead
But somtimes i turn behind and look into that mirror of my soul.

1 comment:

Amrita Sabat said...

waah yaar. deep stuff.
ok we actually hide behind wat we call 'just human'. our thots, feelings r so personal that no one can even xpect 2 kno wat we think.

& dat is us. human beings. its lik- the more we tell others & share, the more we tell ourselves. :)

derived from- the more things change, the more they remain d same.:)
ha ha!