I saw till there was nothing more I cared to see.
I heard all in favour and against until it ceased.
Now!!My judjement may not be The One.Of course..
You are afterall someone else.Not another Me.
You said right is this that stands justified my Dear.
But how is there the bad also justified for me to see??!!
There were so many of "those" words to clarify.
Many handy examples to pass out,to explain those things.
I somehow remain un-convinced ,my Dear.I do.
But I dont want to modify anything.Just let it be.
There is Your life for You to live.As you see.
As I have Mine to live in a way I see most fit.
Somewhere the questioning and pondering over matters
The tired "how comes" and "what ifs" do finally stop!!
I am almost there now, hoping not to turn back.I mustn't.
Just living as Me and You have always done together.
Some things change, like the others don't Honey!!
You got to live with some just as you do without others.
Different person's dont think alike now...
Do they??Will they??
And I'am left in thoughts as to what to name...
The destination where I stand today.Is it..??
What they call "acceptance" or the word "compromise".
Well...that was a really good one indeed.No two individuals can be alike...opinions differ,and to respect the differences is wt it takes to acknowledge the love and affection between individuals.
Gal that reminds me of all those times wen U and I tried to justify ourselves with different issues .... but i m sure that wherever u r standing now is just the turn where ur "DREAMS" in life will come true.
If there's one blog I can relate with best, its this. You're me girl! Awesome.. great going. :)
hey pravin why this enigmatic comment..... has me thinking...... kindly be a man of words t help me out... :)
"There is Your life for You to live.As you see.
As I have Mine to live in a way I see most fit."
there r no acceptances, there r no compromises,
take ny words for this.
its all the way u see...
neither can i live a life for u,
nor can i die for thee...
i really liked the way u portrayed it,
u write really good prachee.
Hi,Don't know how it struck me but if you could resolve the doubt, would be a pleasure.
Actually,the picture of angel that you have put up here seems to miss out a few traits that you mentioned by the side of it.I might be sarcastic for which i apologise in advance, but I could not find the Angel put up there to depict your fighting spirit.Could you resolve the dilema?
where have u disappeared? n whr the hell is ur orkut profile?
This is a nice one.Congrats u got married.Thought u will let me know someday. but anyways best of luck.Hope u get all the happiness. may god bless u.
Happy Birthday.
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